How strange that as I look over all the temples, churches, shrines and sites of man-achievement laying claim to God, to their version of God, to their God, fighting to lay claim to God and their religious heritage that it is actually God who is the one that fights for and over us and lays claim to us.
How strange that we compete against each other for His attention (with bells, calls to prayer and so on) when it is He who competes to get our attention and therefore has to compete with our distractions of bells and calls to prayer and so on.
In many ways Jerusalem is like a snow-globe, a microcosm of humanity; its passions and possessions, its fervour and ferocity. A city built on religious fault-lines; religion, identity and politics that can erupt into devastating destruction at any moment. Dividing walls separating communities and families, each claiming possession and heritage. All symbols of the best and worst of humanity. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is not only about the literal city but also about the microcosm of humanity that it represents.
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